

June 30, 2000
My first visit to a chiropractor was in 1975. I was suffering from insomnia, anxiety, and poor digestion, primarily. I read the literature and spoke with the doctor, and was impressed by the entire concept of restoring normal nervous system function by spinal manipulation of vertebral subluxations. I remember reading the famous quote of Thomas A. Edison (… as best as I can recall…), “The doctor of the future will use no drugs, but will heal by adjusting the human frame”, or something like that.

Although I felt considerably better after the adjustment, and slept noticeably better that night, I remember the next morning that I was aware that the adjustment had gone out over-nite. However, the doctor had scheduled me for another visit for the following week. I would have to endure the feeling of “being out of whack” for at least 6 more days.

Despite my intellectual grasp of the merits of Chiropractic, and despite sporadic improvements in my health over the years; I gradually became disappointed overall with the chiropractic profession; mainly due to the temporary and fleeting nature of the adjustments which always seemed to spring back out every week or so.

What was the use of returning every Tuesday at 11:00 AM if every Friday morning I was precisely out of adjustment? At least, that was my own self-assessment.

While living in Iowa during the 1980′s in a town of about 10,000 persons and 8 chiropractors, more or less, of whom 4 or 5 had seen me as a patient occasionally, I don’t recall even one instance of being scheduled to come back the very next day to see if the adjustment had stayed put, and to adjust if again if necessary. In fact, no chiropractor I have ever visited prior to Dr. Hodge even offered to make definite appointments for me unless I asked for more appointments myself. Since when do patients of medical doctors have to self diagnose themselves in order to obtain follow up care? This is a major reason for the creation of too many “former patients” of chiropractic care in the world today.

On my own, I had occasionally snuck around to different chiropractors in that small town throughout the week to try and get the adjustment to hold; each successive doctor unaware of my visits to his competitors. I didn’t feel confident enough with this routine to aggressively pursue it for very long though.

Another problem I encountered often was lack of a proper pillow. I often woke up with my head and neck in strange convoluted positions – the adjustments obviously out of whack.

I remember, generally, that I stopped going to chiropractors around 1990. what was the use?

Recently while visiting Washington State as a tourist, on a whim, I decided to see Dr. Gary Hodge in early June 2000. I was actually shocked that Dr. Hodge asked me to come back the very next day for a check-up/adjustment. Dr. Hodge said I should keep coming back every day until my neck and spine stabilized.

I also noticed a strange looking PILLOW in the corner of the examination-treatment room. Years before, I had tried various pillows which either didn’t work at all or poorly. Ultimately, I had always reverted back to an ordinary feather or foam pillow which I bunched up or doubled in my attempt to achieve comfort. This new pillow, it turns out, was developed by clever Canadian chiropractors and is called the Therapeutica Pillow sold by Innovative Choices Inc., Scarborough, Ontario, Canada. The very first night I used the pillow, I slept noticeably better on my back and sides both. The pillow comes in 3 or 4 different sizes, and Dr. Hodge made sure I was buying the correct size.

A third point is that Dr. Hodge’s office personnel aggressively pursue health insurance payment, and for the first time since obtaining health insurance in 1993 after a broken leg, I have actually got something back from them after paying in the yearly deducible.

Toward the end of June 2000, Dr. Hodge has scheduled me for fewer and fewer visits as the adjustments have held for greater lengths of time. I suppose my spine is finally stabilizing.

I now feel that my initial optimism about chiropractic way back in 1975, and numerous occasions since, has finally been realized.

The difference between Dr. Hodge and practically all the other chiropractics I have ever seen, is that Dr. Hodge was routinely inclined to keep making daily, or every other day, appointments until my spine stabilized.

The Therapeutica Pillow must also be given some credit, as well as the insurance company’s willingness to pay (Blue cross/Blue Shield of Alabama offered to individuals through Alfa Insurance in Alabama).

However, the cost of chiropractic care, even without insurance, is quite reasonable.

I hope the chiropractic profession can gain new confidence in noting and following the traditional subluxation adjustment on a DAILY BASIS until stabilization, offered routinely by Dr. Gary Hodge of Lynden, Washington.

How many patients of Chiropractic have the confidence in the profession to demand to be seen the very next day? Especially if the condition is chronic, I doubt that very few, if an, ever would ask for such a rash and unusual thing. But this has been the difference between success and failure in this case.


W. C.

Massage Therapists

I have always been interested in the healthcare industry. I chose Massage Therapy as my way of contributing to the wellness of others. My interest in massage has always been to understand the body’s anatomy in connection to a client’s injury or dysfunctions. I enjoy the part of being a “detective” and isolating an injury and helping to correct it. The practitioner’s role gives us the ability to help clients learn about their bodies and how to avoid injury, increase functionality and relaxation.

I chose to work at Whatcom Chiropractic Center as a Massage Therapist because of the overall team approach providing individualized care and treatment in conjunction with Chiropractic care. The warm and amiable atmosphere at Whatcom Chiropractic Center aids in the healing process.

Chirsty Knudson, LMP

Patient Letter

I chose to join Whatcom Chiropractic Center in order to provide Massage Therapy treatment in a holistic environment that also offers the benefits of Chiropractic care. The healthcare field has always appealed to me. The reason I chose Massage Therapy as a profession was because it is a very “hands on” approach to healing. I like the idea of providing a one on one therapy that could benefit almost any individual.

Allison Holt, LMP

Patient Letter

I have felt since I was little that I was meant to help people. Massage is the perfect way for me to do that and give back in a way that has made such a difference in my life. My journey to massage therapy started like many others, a personal experience with an injury, both my own and my sister’s. Our treatment paths were different, I went to Physical therapy and she went to massage. After physical therapy I decided to try massage for myself because I felt that her therapist was much more hands on and more involved in the healing process. I found that I loved it. My personal experience with massage lead to a career full of compassion.

I chose Whatcom Chiropractic Center because I believe the two modalities work well together, and I wanted to work closely with a health care team. When I first met Dr. Hodge I was impressed by how genuine he is. He really cares about his patients and employees well being. I am truly blessed to be a apart of this team.

Donna Vodopich, LMP

Patient Testimonial Form


I came to Whatcom Chiropractic because: of my car accident.

My initial expectations when I entered Whatcom Chiropractic were: Not so high because I was also pregnant.

My results from chiropractic so fare are: Incredible. I am getting better and my husband, daughter and son are also. My son started receiving treatment for his asthma, not for the car accident.

Chiropractic care has changed my daily life in what way/s: By all of us being able to function better almost completely normal. My five year old daughter loves Dr. Hodge and my three and a half year old son who has asthma has not needed any prednisone since he began treatment with Dr. Hodge. My son also is developmentally delayed and Dr. Hodge has taken the time to really get to know him and Bryce, my son, just loves to come in and get adjusted.

Since starting chiropractic care I have learned: That not only can he help a pregnant lady, but my whole entire family. Chiropractors really know what they are talking about, that they even go to medical school longer than your average doctor.

Final Comments: I would recommend Dr. Hodge for everyone. He really makes you feel at home and a part of a family.

K. J.

Patient Letter

July 24, 2000

Whatcom Chiropractic Center
Dr. Gary D. Hodge
7000 Guide Meridian
Lynden, WA 98264

Dear Dr. Hodge:

Thank you for seeing me on July 17, 2000. This letter states the facts and status of my severe lower back pain and the problems associated with it.

An old old “Selah” woman hasn’t been able to climb stairs, perform household chores due to lower back pain. She has lived with this daily. This back pain goes back to 1967 when she was employed with Charlston Navel Shipyard.

This old Selah woman, Catherine Talley, met with Dr. Gary D. Hodge July 17, 2000. The old woman described her difficulty in performing normal routine household chores such as cooking, doing dishes and climbing stairs. It had been three years since she was able to wash her dishes and stand for the length of time needed to complete that simple task. To cook for an hour was another impossible task. This was because standing for an hour was unbearable due to lower back pain.

Dr. Hodge has designed a program to improve this Selah woman’s back problems.

Since seeing Dr. Hodge of Whatcom Chiropractic Center, this old Selah woman has been able to wash her dishes for the first time. For the first time this old woman has climbed stairs without difficulty and cooked her own lunch.

Thank you Dr. Hodge for what you have done for me to have a more independent lifestyle. If there are any questions please call me at 384-2268. My evening number is 758-2456.



Patient Testimonial Form

Before I started Chiropractic care I struggled with……..

I have had 7 surgeries from 1993-1997 and my guts haven’t worked right until I started chiropractic care.


Patient Testimonial Form

February 6, 2001

I came to Whatcom Chiropractic Center because: I came to Whatcom Chiropractic because I was unable to lift even the smallest file at work without severe pain in my arms. I couldn’t even hold my new grand babies without pain.

My initial expectations when I entered Whatcom Chiropractic were: My initial expectations when I entered Whatcom Chiropractic were honestly I was hoping that one or maybe two treatments would take care of the problem.

My results from Chiropractic so far are: My results from chiropractic so far are I can now play with my grandchildren who are 6 months and 8 months old. I am also able to lift files from the filing cabinet without pain.

Chiropractic care has changed my daily life in what way/s: Chiropractic care has changed my daily life in I know why I was having trouble and have been given exercises to use along with the treatments. Therefore giving me a better way of life.

Before I started Chiropractic care I struggled with: Before I started chiropractic care I struggled with as mentioned above I was in pain almost constantly.

Since starting chiropractic care I have learned: Since starting chiropractic care I have learned why I was having problems and with treatment and exercise how to make my life better.

Final comments: I know that I will have to have treatments the rest of my life to maintain the pain free existence I have now.
